Tuesday 16 September 2014


Well hello! This is the last post on blogspot as I have moved to the new url littlefizzie.com
I feel it looks a lot (!!!!) better, so I am excited. The new blog looks like complete shit at the moment as I haven't done anything to it and the post from this blog will of course be moved.

See you on the new URL! :)

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Every so often (basically everyday, who am I kidding?) I scan through clothes on a bunch of different websites. I can't help but having 30 tabs with different dresses up and not closing them for a week until I realize that I won't be buying them anyways.

It is currently 6 o'clock in the morning, and I've been up since about 3, just scanning through websites and watching TV. 

I am stuck on New Look, they have the most amazing clothes and how I wish I had the money to buy all the outfits that I want. I keep hearing my moms voice saying "you don't need anymore clothes, your closet is full already." Which, yes it is... But I want more anyways! Does that sound too greedy? I feel like it absolutely does and I'm sorry. 

I was never really the girl to be interested in clothes and makeup. What about dresses? Euw get them away from me! I wanted to wear football shorts and jerseys. During recess, we would play football and I wasn't going to go through that in a skirt. I dressed for playing football and that is how my life has mostly been. I wasn't a girly girl, I was well.. sort of a tomboy, which I do not think is bad at all. This has been until fairly recently, when my interest in how I looked gradually went up and then shot for the stars. 

I started to find myself being drawn to skirts and cute dresses. Which wasn't really me at all, but it grew on me. Now I can't get enough of them, and shirts and dresses with collars? Oh heaven on earth! It's the cutest thing to be made.. like ever.

However, I can never really pin my style down and say "this is how I dress." It's a very big world with a lot (like super a lot) of clothes and how can I just stick to one style? I do tend to say I like cute and rocky clothes, which is the everlasting struggle to my everyday life. How do I get them to go together without looking too try hard and not ridiculous? The style "cute and rocky" is so pretty if it's done right, and I'm learning.. I'm learning. 

From my early morning browsing, I've done a little collage of cute items I've found.

Starting from the top left corner:
// Embroidery Cat from Choies HERE //
// Plague Sleeveless Shirt from Drop Dead HERE //
// Green Ditsy from New Look HERE //
The bottom row from the left corner:
// Cohen Knitted Sweater from Drop Dead HERE //
// Burgundy Check Dress from New Look HERE //
// Weird Sleeveless T-Shirt from Drop Dead HERE //

I've got to admit a few of the items are a bit out of my price range, but the collage is just for fun. In the near future, when the leaves turn a pretty red and the weather is colder, I will be doing a sweater post, which I'm excited to do and I hope you'll enjoy it. 

(I'm having some problems with having the pictures fit inside the blog post, which is why this picture is so small. When I have figured out how to fix it, the picture will be bigger, I apologize and hope you see the cuteness of the items anyways)

Tuesday 9 September 2014


Does the end of August count as the official end of summer? I can't stand it. I want warm summer nights where the sun doesn't go down! Not cold dark nights. I'm gonna get depressed and still be forced to go out into the cold.

I'm sorry autumn I'm not hating on you, you're very pretty and rain is my favorite weather. But you're just too cold for me. I'm waiting for the leaves to turn red and orange and that one warm day of autumn where everyone is outside, soaking up all the sun.

To try and get a hold of what is left of summer I am currently wearing my favorite summertime nail polish. It is so pretty, I fell in love with it. I spent the summer looking for the perfect one and I came across the colour in a few shops but I just didn't find the correct shade of it. Me and my cousin ended up going shopping the day before I left to go back to Sweden (from the U.S.). We went in to a shop (cannot for the life of me recall what shop) and we scanned through the nail polish section and I ended up with Simply Adorable from Red Carpet.

Oh god isn't it fantastic?!  I think it captures the lightness of summer so wonderfully and the colour is just so so so pretty. 

You can purchase it HERE for about 70kr (9.99$) which I think is a bit pricey for a nail polish, I tend not to go over 50kr, but that's just me. It's a wonderfully beautiful colour so I do think it was worth it. If I do come across a similar one, I'll tell you!
I don't recall the price when I bought it for myself but I imagine it was probably the same.

In my honest opinion I do think it's a good quality nail polish and I am very satisfied but... You have to apply it twice as the first layer looks transparent-ish and your nail is still visible under the polish. Due to this it does crack pretty easily, but go ahead with a base coat and a top coat it will probably work out better.  

I'm not looking forward to the day that I realize the bottle is empty, the horror!

Monday 8 September 2014


(This post was written yesterday)
I've only written 3 posts, and I'm already wondering what there is to write about. I don't really have a sense of what would be interesting to read. So instead of actually writing what little ideas I do have in mind, I'm just sat here thinking about the blog but not actually doing anything.

I mean, I wouldn't say I'm not doing anything, I'm always doing something. This whole weekend has been a very relaxed one as I've been sick and still am. So I've been playing The Sims... And not even the new one I'm here playing Sims 3! I don't know whether or not to get Sims 4, the pools are a pretty big part of my gameplay so I'm pretty disappointed about that change (there will be no pools, if you didn't know). I might get it when they (which they will probably do) give out a pool expansion.

The fun part about playing Sims on my boyfriends computer is that he has almost all the expansions, so I'm a witch who's and actress.. Oh the life!

Enough about Sims already! I've got something to show you! Which right now when I think about it, actually isn't even that interesting, YET! It will be once it's gone about 3, 4 months and you can see a difference! You're probably thinking, ugh just tell us.. and I will. "Progress" pictures! Yay my hair *clapping*
So in 3 months we'll be able to put the two pictures next to each other, and I can finally see that my hair does grow. Of course the big change will be seen when I've actually completed the whole year.

I know that the picture should've been up with the first post, it's not very good of me I must admit. But better late then never... right?

And here is the picture!

I hate that the ends of my hair fall sideways, it doesn't look very good. The second thought about the picture is that I also hate that my hair is thinner on the right side. But overall, my hair does look pretty long and healthy so I'm happy.

(written today, monday)
I will be uploading more blogposts this week, including some outfits and other exciting stuff. It all comes down to actually planning to write and then just doing it. I'm still sick but not nearly as bad as during the weekend so I'll say if I'm healthy enough to go to school tomorrow, I'll most definitely be writing a post tomorrow as well.

Friday 5 September 2014


Hello... I know I said I'd write and then I didn't I'm sorry! But!!! I do have a good excuse.. I'm sick. Like fever sick and I couldn't really get myself to write anything. Since I'm still sick this won't at all be a long post.

Right now I'm eating ice cream (when you're sick you can eat as much ice cream as you want!) and I'm watching season 2 of Game of Thrones with commentary.. so even though I feel like crap I'm having a good time. I've also got Christoffer on my right talking about dogs.

So one of the good things about this challenge is that I'll have to find new ways to style my hair without heat and product. And when I find a hairstyle that I like I'll be able to share it with you and show you how to recreate it via YouTube or pictures, whatever you'd prefer.

So I told you it'd be a short post! See you later byee! :)

Tuesday 2 September 2014


Before we start, here's a little note: I will of course be fixing up the layout of the blog to make it fancier, just give me a little bit!

Warning: This is a way too long post. It won't happen again anytime soon!

Well hello there humans of earth! Today I have done nothing, nothing at all. I stayed in bed and slept away most of the day and oh was it comfortable! But since my day was mostly a waste of time, I won't be talking about it.. who cares anyways right? I'll be talking about... *drumroll*.... my hair. I know, I know, I said the blog wasn't going to be all about my hair, I'm terribly sorry. But I am a 17 year old girl and I've been overly obsessed with my hair since forever (I haven't even always had hair that looked good?) and I thought you just needed to read more about my hair.. Yes, it's very interesting.

I just think that if I am going to be doing this challenge, for 365 days (!!) you need to get a little hair history! It might not be the most interesting of things to read but my blog will get better, I am only learning as time goes by!
So I've been one of those girls that just can't stick with one colour for too long and so I always tend to change it up regularly. I haven't had my natural hair colour since I was 12 and even before that I used to get highlights. So my natural colour is this sort of standard blonde that, when growing up, almost everyone had.. So I'm a person that never really wanted to look like everyone else, so having the same hair colour as everyone sort of well.. sucked.
So the first picture is my natural hair color sort of a dirty blondish colour. The second picture is the reddish-brown that I got coloured when I was 12. It sort of faded after a while and it went back to a blond.
In the third picture you can see my damaged hair (too much bleaching does that, just a tip). Looking at it now.. after a few years it was more yellow than blonde.. But hey we all have our moments.. and I have worse to come. In the fourth picture it's just the same blonde with pink in it.
Being me I soon got tired of the blonde so in the fifth picture I got it coloured brown once again!
In the sixth picture I got a dark dark brown coloured, so it looked almost black. After that faded I got a brownish blonde that you can see in the seventh picture, and during summer I got an unintentional ombre (eighth picture) but hey it looked pretty good!

I am so sorry for this post, but being a semi-hair blog I sort of though a "hair history" was necessary, but I'm getting bored just doing it! We're almost done, keep it up and I promise my posts will get better with time!

This is one of the stupidest and best things I've done, I chopped of my long gorgeous hair to a short shoulder length and coloured it an awkward red. Which cutting my hair actually made my hair grow out thicker than before so that's the good part as my hair was damaged from all the bleaching (picture nine). Then comes the DUMBEST decision of my life. I coloured it a bright bright red and got a perm... yes... a perm.I'm embarrassed, let's not speak of it again. It turned out very bad and I had my hair in a ponytail almost every day (picture ten). In the eleventh picture I finally remembered the golden rule to hair. It grows back out and colour fades! It started growing longer and I could finally flatiron my hair without it getting all frizzy. So in the twelfth picture, I have a dark brown. Which according to me is one of the colours that has suited me best over the years and I do believe that brown is a better colour on me than my natural blonde (yep it's true). So I got the dark brown for prom to go with my light blue dress and dark blue accessories and I totally rocked it!
In picture number thirteen, we see that the dark brown didn't fade that much, but before starting school after the summer of 2013 we coloured it the same colour again (which I believe was the 4.0 - Dark Brown by Garnier Olia) and a bit in to the school year I decided to randomly bleach my ends and got the flamingo pink by Directions put in and had an awesome dipdye! It didn't last too long and once the pink faded I bleached over the tips and went a bit further up my hair (picture fourteen) to get an intentional ombre, and it looked super good! After about 5 months of having the ombre in I decided that I was (after years of whining and wanting) to get purple hair.. So I had to bleach my whole head.. more than once (oh I cringe when I think of it) and I had the blonde you can see in picture fifteen, before colouring it purple as seen in picture sixteen. The tips of my hair started to turn a really cool blue, so it looked like a purple/blue ombre. I had the purple for over 2 months before deciding I wanted it back to the dark brown (but it didn't really go as planned) and we tried to get the purple out, then when nothing really came out we decided to go ahead with the same dark brown box dye and it turned out green... my worst nightmare. We had to go to the salon and get help and they got a reddish tone over it (because red cancels out green). I was happy and it looked good for a while but then it started going green again and until just last Friday I got a boxdye with red and coloured over it. Because I knew I would never survive the '365 days' challenge with green hair!
And this is me from a few days ago! It's a reddish colour (to get rid of the green) and obviously this colour will fade alot during the next few washes. I might have had more hair colours than this but this is the most important parts.

I can't promise I won't have another post that's this boring, I mean it could happen.. I'm sorry. But not anytime soon and I'm planning posts that I hope you readers will find more interesting than this one. I just felt it necessary.

I am thinking about even making a haul video where I show what I bough over the summer since I spent so much money on clothes while in the U.S.

I'll leave you with that and promise that the next post will NOT be this long. Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow!


Hello and welcome to my very first blog post!
I've given a lot of thought to how my first post should be, but perhaps it will be awkward however I do it so I thought I might as well just go for it!
My name is Hannah Felicity (a bit of a mouthful at times, I know) but most people just call me Fizzie, I am 17 and live in Stockholm, Sweden. I like baking, watching movies, spending time with friends and sleeping too much. I spend too much time on my phone and not enough time studying. And maybe I should just let you get to know me as time goes by!

Let's talk a bit about why I started this blog... during summer break I found a blog that I just absolutely loved! She had made up a challenge where for 1 year (YES 365 DAYS!!!) not to do anything to her hair and I thought that I just had to do it!
I've spend a bit too much time colouring and styling my hair, so eventually (of course) it got damaged. During the summer I've spend a lot of time trying to get my hair back to it's healthy state and it has gotten better but not quite what I want... yet!
You can read Annelise's blog here: byebyebeehive and I'm going to repeat the rules to you now!
  • No highlights or dyeing hair!
  • No haircuts! But trims are allowed.
  • No backcombing, teasing etc.
  • NO HEAT TOOLS, straighteners, curling wands, blow dryers, you name it!
  • No styling products! hairspray, dry shampoo, hair oil (aaahhh my favorite), NO STYLING PRODUCTS!!
I will be using ONLY shampoo and conditioner. Although I will allow myself natural products, such as coconut oil and I am all up for trying to make my own hairspray or shampoo etc. Each month I will be posting a picture of my hair, and I will show a before and after every three months! I am hoping that my hair will get thicker and healthier. A year is a long time (aahh how will I survive?!)

I will not only be posting about my hair even though it seems like it! I like clothes, gaining interest in makeup and I will be posting outfits and just plain everyday stuff. The '365 days' challenge will end September 1st 2015 (wow!).

I will see you very soon and I hope you find this blog interesting!