Monday 8 September 2014


(This post was written yesterday)
I've only written 3 posts, and I'm already wondering what there is to write about. I don't really have a sense of what would be interesting to read. So instead of actually writing what little ideas I do have in mind, I'm just sat here thinking about the blog but not actually doing anything.

I mean, I wouldn't say I'm not doing anything, I'm always doing something. This whole weekend has been a very relaxed one as I've been sick and still am. So I've been playing The Sims... And not even the new one I'm here playing Sims 3! I don't know whether or not to get Sims 4, the pools are a pretty big part of my gameplay so I'm pretty disappointed about that change (there will be no pools, if you didn't know). I might get it when they (which they will probably do) give out a pool expansion.

The fun part about playing Sims on my boyfriends computer is that he has almost all the expansions, so I'm a witch who's and actress.. Oh the life!

Enough about Sims already! I've got something to show you! Which right now when I think about it, actually isn't even that interesting, YET! It will be once it's gone about 3, 4 months and you can see a difference! You're probably thinking, ugh just tell us.. and I will. "Progress" pictures! Yay my hair *clapping*
So in 3 months we'll be able to put the two pictures next to each other, and I can finally see that my hair does grow. Of course the big change will be seen when I've actually completed the whole year.

I know that the picture should've been up with the first post, it's not very good of me I must admit. But better late then never... right?

And here is the picture!

I hate that the ends of my hair fall sideways, it doesn't look very good. The second thought about the picture is that I also hate that my hair is thinner on the right side. But overall, my hair does look pretty long and healthy so I'm happy.

(written today, monday)
I will be uploading more blogposts this week, including some outfits and other exciting stuff. It all comes down to actually planning to write and then just doing it. I'm still sick but not nearly as bad as during the weekend so I'll say if I'm healthy enough to go to school tomorrow, I'll most definitely be writing a post tomorrow as well.


  1. Keep on writing. I like your way of handling the language regardless of subject.

    I also love you, whatever hairstyle or color you have.. You are my first grandchild and I love you for the wonderfun person you are,

  2. Sorry about the misspellings in my last post, but English is not my first language as you know.
